Rules and Information


                                                          ~Welcome to Syracuse~
                                                       <Established July 6th 2014>

Syracuse Sicilia and it's adjoined sims are private estates, that are open to the public for Ancient Roman Roleplay. You play here at the tolerance of the sim owner.. By playing here you agree to the OOC rules by default. Rules have been kept, short, simple and in accordance with common sense, for ease of understanding.
If you wish to rent property, a market space or land here, then please contact Janna (janna.karillion) for a list of available rentals and prices              
                                                            <General Information>
Our Roleplay is set in Syracuse, the capital of Sicilia (Sicily) during the reign of Augustus, in the early Roman Empire. The year is 4 AD, the aging Emperor is 65 but still going strong.
Syracuse's fortunate geographical position puts it right in the middle of the Mediterranean sea between Italy and North Africa. The island served as a stop gap for many merchants and those seeking their fortune. Syracuse was an important port on the trade routes between the Eastern and Western Empire.
Sicily is exploited for it's grain and wine, and retains it's Greek culture and appearance. It is important enough to the Empire to deserve it's own Praetor

If you come from another Roman themed sim, you are more than welcome here but please rewrite your story for this sim specifically if you wish to play here. We don't want cross - sim conflict.

Before you get to the RP Floor, you are expected to have read the rules and understand your role here. As we are a historical RP area, you must know your role well and where you fit into the very complex social classes.

You may wear the observer tag if you are just having a look. Please stand back from ongoing RP, keep all interactions to IM and stay out of private homes.

If you intend to stay with us on Syracuse then you must join our main group, even if you are part of a sub group here. Wearing of the tag is not compulsory but you may not wear the tag of any other sim here either.

If you use a translator then you may not take on a public role here. Yes it's unfair, but until translators actually TRANSLATE, then that is that.
                                            <!OOC RULES - PLEASE READ!>

1. We are all adults and should be able to play nice. We welcome all races, creeds, and sexual orientations. You are your own person here and nobody has the right to argue with that OOCly.
This of course, does not mean that your IC character, can't be a grumpy, irritable sort with a chip on his/her shoulder. We welcome diversity.

2.  All RP is by consent. If you have a problem with it OOCly, it won't happen here ICly.
If you have roleplay limits, please display them clearly in your profile. All limits are to be respected here as long as they do not go against the ethos of the RP which will render them null and void.
We do not entertain Perma Death unless it is the express wish of the player him/herself.
Please remember that this is 4 AD and we are not politically correct.

3. We are not a combat area nor are we metered. The focus here is on quality RP and social interactions. The exception to this is in the Ludus or the Arena and at the discretion of the Lanista.
Please remove your combat HUD to avoid any lag it may cause.

4. We require all players here to abide by ToS. By doing so, you are agreeing to NOT share IMs and not bring Age Play to our RP area, amongst other things. This is non negotiable and overrules whatever you may have written in your profile about it.
Anyone known to have shared IMs will receive one warning only. Age Play will result in an Instant and Permanent Ban

5. Disciplinary action is as follows:
 - Break the OOC rules, continuously act the gobshite, or harass another player OOCly, and you'll receive a warning from an admin.
 - Keep it up and you'll get a 24 hour ban.
 - Still intent on causing trouble? It'll result in a permanent ban
 If you prove to be a griefer or your crime is so great that there is seriously no hope for you, then our admins have the power to skip the first two steps and just ban you without question.
An admin's ruling is final.

6. To play here, you must be Human, and have the appearance of an Adult. We do not allow child avatars on the sim. Prim babies are to be kept inside your home for personal RP
You must dress appropriately for our timeline, (Women were modest, Men were not all centurions) and immerse yourself fully in Roleplay (No gestures, smilies or abbreviations etc..) Keep OOC chatter brief and always in brackets (( phone )) or (( brb ))

7. The norm in sl is for slaves to kneel. This is a Gorean concept and Roman slaves had a completely different role. They were valued members of the household and could go on to achieve much, should they be freed. Roman slaves stood, unless told otherwise. Slaves must be fully dressed in public areas and should not be leashed.

8. Not a rule, but a suggestion. Syracuse Sicilia holds regular classes on topics appropriate to the RP and timeline. You are welcome to and encouraged to attend. All classes here are free. The same goes for any OOC or indeed IC events we put on for our residents.
Get to know us and help us build a great community here.

9. If you decide to set up home with us here on Syracuse Sicilia, you must abide by the rental agreement. In short... Keep in theme, No sneaky prims and be a good neighbour.

10. You are NOT, Caesar. You are also NOT, Mark Anthony (He's dead anyway) Cleopatra (Dead too) Pompey (A well rotted corpse by now) OR, any other significant character from Roman history. Make your own story with your own character. It's more fun to have that freedom than to stick to a pre-written script. You can certainly model yourself on someone you admire, but just be your own man/woman.

11. A closed door is a closed door for a reason. (Even if you can OOCly open it!) Please respect the privacy of other residents and their respective homes, be they inside them or not. Repeat snoopers will be subject to disciplinary actions.

12. The rules can and probably will be changed, or added to on occasion, depending on the experiences we have here. If this is to happen, we'll let you know.

Sim Admin:
~ Janna (janna.karillion) - Estate Manager - Sim Owner
~ Tadashir Resident - Estate Manager
~ Arisia Thanokisani (arisiani)